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Parameter is a leading global provider of environmental control rooms and chambers for the packaging, pulp and paper industries.
We manufacture TAPPI reach-in chambers, room systems and conditioners for existing laboratories. Parameter specializes in humidity control and conditioning systems, adhering to TAPPI standards for product storage and box testing.
Parameter’s precise temperature and humidity control of ±0.2° and ±0.5% helps insure that you meet the stringent TAPPI T402 sp-08 specification.
In small modular rooms and reach-in chambers, the Parameter system can run the TAPPI preconditioning atmosphere and then automatically ramp to the conditioning/testing atmosphere.
Main Applications:
- TAPPI Labs–Technical
- Association of Pulp and Paper Industry
- Package testing
- Cold testing
- Heat testing
- Stress testing
- Stability testing
- Shelf life studies
- Quality control
The Parameter Advantage
Parameter equipment offers precise control and distribution. Our independent conditioning systems are consistent and comfortable while maintaining tight uniformity across the conditioned space. Our systems are a reliable, cost-effective, and energy efficient solution for the packaging, pulp, and paper industries.
Parameter Precisely Controls:
- Control constancy– Parameter provides precise single point humidity and temperature control (±0.5% RH / ±0.2°C).
- Uniformity across the conditioned space – Parameter provides a tight uniformity by engineering optimal distribution systems that evenly disperse the air through a conditioned area.
- Sensor Accuracy – Parameter utilizes high grade humidity and temperature sensors and maintains the calibration over the range of conditions required.
Parameter Equipment Commonly Used for TAPPI applications include:
- Walk-ins
- Conditioners for larger TAPPI Labs
- Cabinets and chambers (see more in our catalog)
Overhead view of Parameter stability room with conditioner
Supply ductwork and return ductwork used for conditioning the air in Parameter’s stability rooms