Humidity and Electronics: Testing in Standard & Extreme Conditions

Home – Industries – Humidity and Electronics

Parameter equipment is used for testing of components and finished products at both standard and extreme conditions.

As a producer of electrical components, sub systems, and complete systems, you want to verify that your product can perform in a wide variety of temperature and humidity conditions. Our humidity control products for electronics enable you to execute exact, accurate circuit testing that helps you determine what levels of humidity and condensation will result in damage or performance issues for your product.

We build high-quality reach-in chambers and baths so that you can maintain a high level of quality control over your electrical components and test a variety of humidity and temperature benchmarks, including 85/85 tests (85 degrees Celsius and a RHI of 85%).


Our client roster includes the top names in electronics:

  • IBM
  • Texas Instruments
  • AT&T
  • Motorola
  • LG
  • Samsung
  • Sanyo


Main Application:

Circuit Testing


Common Conditions:


85°C/60% (TAPPI pre-conditioning)



Parameter Equipment Commonly Used

Reach-in chambers