Control Methods
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Our unique humidity control system gives customers precise levels of RH/temperature control.
Parameter utilizes innovative control methods to provide customers with precise humidity and temperature control, energy efficiency and low cost of ownership.
Two-Temperature Method
Parameter has perfected its innovative “two-temperature” method as a standard control process. This state-of-the-art process is unique to Parameter — not available from other manufacturers — and offers our customers several benefits, including:
- Extremely precise temperature and humidity control, as well as industry-leading chamber uniformity
- No need for high-purity water
- The elimination of service problems commonly associated with steam injection systems
- Low energy costs — and low costs to own
Humidity Control 101
So how does Parameter achieve such precise humidity control?
The environment to be conditioned is controlled at a targeted dew point temperature and then reheated to a specified air temperature. Maintaining a constant dew point and air temperature produces a very constant relative humidity.
Supply ductwork and return ductwork used for conditioning the air in Parameter’s pharmaceutical stability rooms
Parameter stability room with vertical conditioner