Innovating products and services for 40+ years

Home – Innovation

Parameter is internationally respected for our innovation and technical expertise.

With more than 40 years of experience in the temperature and humidity control industry, Parameter specializes in providing innovative products and services for the packaging, textiles, agriculture, electronics, pharmaceutical and other industries. The Library of Congress entrusts Parameter products with safely storing priceless materials, including copies of the Gutenberg Bible and the Gettysburg Address. Our products continually surpass industry expectations and are reliable, durable, energy efficient, and cost-effective.

Control Methods

Parameter has long been on the cutting edge of innovation, creating a technique for precise temperature and humidity control that provides greater precision and energy efficiency for our customers and that no other equipment manufacturer has replicated.

New Technologies

We custom design equipment to our customers’ precise specifications, leading to the creation of chambers, rooms, and technologies that truly are innovative.

Customer Service

We offer innovative programs and opportunities that give our customers peace of mind, ensure that they’re getting the most from our equipment and offer them savings in both energy and expense.

Contact us to learn how Parameter’s innovation, technical expertise, and unsurpassed customer service can work for you. Please call or email Michael Bromer for more information. Parameter Generation & Control+1-828-669-8717 ext. 1355