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Parameter’s 250-400 CFM vertical conditioner delivers precise temperature and humidity control in a small, flexible unit.

There are plenty of reasons why the 250-400 vertical conditioner is one of Parameter Generation & Control’s most popular products among clients.

But when asked to name just one attribute that sets it apart from other conditioning units, Stefan Cazzonelli didn’t hesitate.

“The unit has a very small footprint, and is extremely flexible in how we can apply it in the field,” said Cazzonelli, sales and marketing manager.

This vertical and completely self-contained generating unit provides humidity, dehumidification, heating, cooling and circulation to existing spaces, small walk-in rooms and reach-in chambers — without requiring any external ductwork.

The 250-400 vertical conditioner’s exceptionally small footprint means it can be attached directly to the wall of the room to minimize floor space required; no ceiling space is required. Preventive maintenance often can be performed in as little as two hours, meaning less downtime.

“It has a lot of flexibility in terms of configuration and putting it within a room,” Cazzonelli said. “It can go up against the wall just about anywhere.”

The unit’s small footprint and wall mounting capability means easier service access and maintenance, too.

“You don’t have to crawl on top of the room or try to get into other tight places where you might be worried about safety,” he said.

Using tap water and with no need for compressed air, the unit is constructed of corrosion-resistant stainless steel, with durability complemented by low-watt density heaters.

And like most Parameter products, the 250-400 vertical conditioner is controlled by its user-friendly Smart Pad system that delivers optimum accuracy and control, and is equipped with direct readings for temperature and humidity.

To learn more about the 250-400 vertical conditioner, contact Cazzonelli at Stefan@humiditycontrol.com.